Talon Metals near Tamarack?
January 28th, 2021

Talon Metals is in the news…
Talon hits high-grade massive sulphide mineralisation at Tamarack Nickel
… and it’s something Minnesota needs to pay attention to. I got a heads up from a friend who lives nearby, at a time when they were expanding the area they were “exploring.” Their location in Tamarack seems, well, like something I’d expect of a company HQ in British Virgin Islands, though the article has them posing in front of a different building:
And this:
Looking at these “maps” I’m thinking of knee surgery, hard to recognize as a map:

This is more like it:

This looks like their area, from google earth (how did we live without the internet?):

Check this inset map in lower right corner — huge file, doesn’t want to save, so here’s the link: https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/lands_minerals/mpes_projects/mnmin2017_coppernickel.pdf
Legalectric post from a while ago:
Tamarack copper-nickel exploration?
And here’s their PR blurb:
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