Trees and powerlines
December 13th, 2020
Trees and powerlines are an issue in Minneapolis, as in Northfield:
In the STrib today:
Why does Minneapolis keep planting trees under powerlines?
From the article:
The trees Polenek saw were at least 20 years old. In 2000, the city changed its approach to tree planting near power lines when it had to replace thousands of diseased elms. Part of the reforestation plan included an agreement with the former Northern States Power Co. to bury all power lines underground, but that never happened, said Ralph Sievert, director of forestry for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.
Do tell, why weren’t all the power lines buried?!?! When a city requires this, Xcel files a Petition with the Public Utilities Commission and the cost of undergrounding is spread across the city ratepayers. It doesn’t cost Xcel a thing, and in their current mode, it’d be a revenue source. Why isn’t this happening, not just in Minneapolis, but everywhere?
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