Here’s the latest – Excelsior Energy’s appeal of the PUC-nondecision on its Mesaba Project IGCC plant was tossed out, one more nail in the Excelsior coffin!  “This appeal is dismissed as premature and not taken from a final agency action.”  That’s one.  AND, they were also tossed out on their request for discretionary review!  TWO NAILS!

Excelsior Appeal Decision A07-2305

Excelsior Appeal Order A07-2306

How many nails does it take?  We’ll see, because we’ll just keep hammering and hammering.

2 Responses to “Excelsior Energy Appeal tossed out!”

  1. Kris Hanson Says:

    This was put out today on Bid Clerk!

    Project ID: 428137 Save To My Folder

    Project Name: Mesaba Energy Coal Plant – Phase I

    Project Type: New Construction, Site Work Documents (0): Map: Aerial Photo:

    Building Use: Power Plant
    Reported: 01/22/2008
    Status: Design
    Private / Public: Private
    Value: $2,000,000,000

    Project Address: Scenic Highway 7 Bovey, MN 55709
    County: Itasca
    Bid Date:
    Est. Start Date: September 2008

    Site work and new construction of a power plant near Bovey. Preliminary plans are calling for the construction of a 600-megawatt coal gasification plant. The plant will be environmentally friendly.

    No firm construction timeline has been established. The project is subject to environmental approvals and is facing local opposition. Interested parties may register to pre-qualify at the construction manager’s website. No phone calls or faxes will be accepted.

    Divisions of Work:
    General Requirements, Site Work — Site Clearing, Grading, Excavation, Irrigation System, Landscaping, Water Distribution, Sewerage, Drainage, Site Concrete, Pavement Markings, Concrete — Concrete Formwork, Concrete Reinforcement, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Concrete Finishing & Staining, Precast Concrete, Masonry / Stone — Cold & Hot Weather Protection, Mortar, CMU, Reinforced Unit Masonry System, Metals — Structural Steel, Metal Decking, Ladders & Rungs, Wood / Plastics — Rough Carpentry, Finish Carpentry, Architectural Woodwork, Solid Surface Fabricating, Thermal / Moisture — Waterproofing, Insulation, Metal Wall Panels, PVC Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing, Roof Underlayment, Sheet Metal Flashing & Trim, Roof Hatches, Firestopping, Caulking & Sealants, Doors / Windows — Metal Doors & Frames, Access Doors & Panels, Roll-Up Doors, Overhead Doors, Storefronts, Hardware, Glazing, Finishes — Metal Stud Framing, Furring & Lathing, Plaster, Gypsum Board Drywall, Resilient Flooring, Special Wall Surfacing, Paint, Specialties — Toilet Partitions, Louvers & Vents, Signage, Fire Extinguishers, Toilet & Bath Accessories, Mechanical — Motors, Mechanical ID, Seismic Controls, Mechanical Insulation, Wet-Pipe Sprinklers, Piping, Plumbing, Hydronic Specialties, Pumps, Chemical Water Treatment, Tube Boilers, Chimneys & Stacks, Water Cooled Rotary-Screw Chillers, Centrifugal Chillers, Cooling Tower, Ventilators & Exhaust Fans, Ductwork, HVAC , Electrical — Conduit, Ductbank, Wiring & Cabling, Boxes, Cabinets, Electric ID, Switchboards & Switches, Grounding, Transformers, Panelboards, Circuit Breakers, Fuses, Motor Controls, Contactors, Lighting, Fire Alarm, Telephone/Data System

    Project History:
    Reported On 06/13/2006 Conceptual This project is being reported on in the early planning phase. The project may require additional approvals and funding.
    Updated On 01/22/2008 Design The project has been confirmed and is proceeding in the planning phase.

    Project Contacts:
    Name: Company: Role: Phone: Fax:
    Bill Ruzynski Excelsior Energy Developer (952) 847-2360 (952) 847-2373
    Construction Manager Fluor Corporation Construction Manager (469) 398-7000 (469) 398-7255

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