C-HC Public Hearings begin TODAY!
June 25th, 2019

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission Public Hearings on the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line begin today. Wisconsin’s rules about public comments are quite restrictive. ONLY ONE PER PERSON ALLOWED. Not one in writing, one oral, or multiple in writing, but ONLY ONE PER PERSON, and if there are more than one, only the first one is accepted! Also, if making a public comment, you may not submit scientific studies, etc., only documents that you’ve substantially created! Really…
Dates and times, beginning today!
June 25, 2 and 6 p.m. — Youth & Agriculture Center Auditorium, Grant County Extension, 916 E. Elm St., Lancaster.
June 26, 2 and 6 p.m. — PSC Hearing Room (S105), 4822 Madison Yards Way, Madison.
June 27, 2 and 6 p.m. — Dodger Bowl Lanes, 318 King St., Dodgeville.
Written comments will be accepted through this Friday, June 28.
Yesterday we filed a Motion for Interlocutory Review, and a request to the EIS Coordinator, asking the Commission to take a look at the EIS and Order a Supplemental EIS to include the U.S. Highway 151 alternative route that’s been discussed in the Applicants’ responses to PSC Data Requests 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, the FEIS, and PSC’s Vedvik’s testimony, but not developed in sufficient detail to be considered as an alternative. The info from these documents is pasted into the pleading.
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