
The Environmental Assessment for Xcel’s Chisago Transmission Project, the transmission line running along Highway 8 from the Chisago substation to St. Croix Falls (and then off through Wisconsin) has been released, and here it is, in a couple of pieces:

Chisago – Environmental Assessment

Chisago – Environmental Assessment, Appendices

So what to do if you have a Comment?  Sit on it!  Here’s the Notice of Availability — scan it for info on how and where to send Comments:

Chisago – Availability Notice

Here’s info on the public hearing from the Notice:

Public Hearing Schedule

A joint public hearing to receive public testimony in both the need and route matters will be convened in two sessions at:

7:00 PM
Tuesday September 4, 2007 and Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Chisago Lakes Area Library
11754 302nd Street
Chisago City, MN 55012

Evidentiary hearings on the Certificate of Need application will also be held in the library on September 4th and 5th beginning at 9:00 am. Evidentiary hearings on the Route Permit Application will be held in the library on September 6th and 7th beginning at 9:00 am.ach public hearing session will continue until all persons have had the opportunity to present evidence and question witnesses. If needed, the hearing may be recessed and continued by the ALJ, and additional hearing dates may be established by the ALJ in accordance with Minnesota Rules 1405.1400 to 1405.2300.

Written comments on the proposals may be submitted to Judge Lipman, at the address listed above, at any time before 4:30 p.m. on September 14, 2007. After the close of written comment period, Judge Lipman will prepare a report and make a recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission regarding Xcel Energy’s proposal.

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