A Ray of incite on Partisan Tools!
November 4th, 2005
Par-ti-san: a member of a guerilla band operating behind enemy lines.
Oh, like masquerading as a liberal! Or masquerading as a moderate!
People say the strangest things… take Ray Cox… please…
I urged everyone to avoid using transportation as a partisan tool. When one party prints brochures against a candidate, or tries to own an issue, it creates rifts that are sometimes too wide to bridge.and the votes won’t be there when needed.
First, what does this mean? It’s so bizarre…
Second, has Ray read his “Transportation — I’m for it!” campaign literature and his claim of transportation as an issue — 44 hits on his site!
Highway Construction Industry Council is a special interest group registered with the Campaign Finance Board. HCIC’s new 2004 lobbyists are the same two who donated to Ray’s campaign, James Girard and Todd Hill! They still are lobbyists for Excelsior Energy, remember the Mesaba project that Ray coauthored?
Let me see if I understand this — Ray, partisan tool, don’t claim transportation as issue, special interest HCIC, lobbyists Girard & Hill, Mesaba coauthor…
… sigh…
And let’s be Frank, Mr. Hornstein, Mr. Transit Poster Boy, let’s talk about special interests.
Q: Did HCIG make a donation to your campaign?
A: Nope, nothing there.
Q: And lobbyists? Any donations from lobbyists?
A: Nope, Hornstein didn’t take money from lobbyists!
Way to go, Frank! A shining example!
And as I copy the link, I see Ray’s done it again!
This is another area where creating partisan divides will not work. I think the Legislative Early Childhood Caucus is on the right track to implement changes in children�s issues in a more effective manner than groups that focus on what happened years ago.
Ray’s up to 50% on the Children Defense Fund’s Legislative Scorecard, from 33% on ECFE issues last election — an issue he’s clearly vulnerable on.
I’m sensing a pattern… and let’s initiate a fine for each time Ray uses the term “partisan” in a partisan context — or a new legislative scorecard!
Par-ti-san: a member of a guerilla band operating behind enemy lines.
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