Xcel demand down, down, down…
May 9th, 2016
Once again, Xcel Energy’s demand is down. From Seeking Alpha’s Transcript of Xcel’s 1Q Earnings Call (click on the quote for the full transcript):
After Xcel’s decreased demand last year, well, let’s just say I love it when this happens:
Remember how off Steve Rakow, Minnesota Dept. of Commerce, tried to pass off the most incredible chart? This was during the CapX 2020 Certificate of Need when the record was showing there just wasn’t going to be that 2.49% peak demand increase that the project relied on. Rakow was allowed to enter this bogus chart:
Rakow tried to convince us, and did convince the ALJ and Commission, that Xcel Energy’s demand was going up, it was “just a blip” and demand would increase sufficiently high to justify CapX 2020 transmission! What a crock…
Meanwhile, even Xcel Energy admits that demand remains down, and with this Earnings Call, dropped its projection. As Xcel’s Ben Fowkes said recently, I think at the year end call, this is the “new normal.”
Are earnings calls transcripts entered into the rate case record?
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