Red Wing Communications!!!!

February 26th, 2007

Remember the downtown Red Wing “Hager” and “Cannon” and _____ (I think there was another name once too)???? That place on Main St. next to InstyPrints? Home of the devoted, competent and loyal workers?? Oh, and did I mention hilarious? Dawn kept the Charter Commission meetings lively (and she’s rotated off, now what!!!), and John is a fan of the malts at Randy’s. Yeah, the one with Dawn and John hanging out all day putting up with the likes of this technodolt… But wait… something’s changed, they’ve taken over:

Dawn Courtier and John Jacobs are now:

Red Wing Communications

1000 Main Street

Red Wing, MN 55066


651-385- 0877

Cellular and Wireless phones, equipment and service

Computer service

And yup, this is an endorsement — they were on my “naked DSL” and got it going, and went the extra mile, all the way to my dining room, to get it running, at a time when I really really had to have internet!!!

Dawn Courtier and John Jacobs

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