Tooth be told, what a pain!

December 28th, 2015


Oh, the joys of this part-time job called health care.  After two 4 hour diagnostic sessions at the U of M (because couldn’t find dentist that would take a new UCare patient), and with help of a great dental student we had finally a “Treatment Plan,” I learned that the U of M does not work with South County, the new UCare replacement.  Utterly screwed.

And today I get a notice that I would have no coverage at all because I hadn’t selected (which I HAD, and chose the wrong plan!).  The Notice of Health Plan Enrollment said that I could “change to a different health plan at any time, for cause, including lack of access to services and providers…”


So today after 3.5 hours of fartin’ around, facebook and reading the STrib, and filing all this medical crap in the medical files while on hold, I’ve now got Medica coverage, coverage which is accepted by U of M confirmed by both Medica and U of M, and now have the joy of yet another appointment, appointment booked, this time for actual, and not imagined, torture in the dental chair.

There’s something very sick about being gleeful to get coverage straightened out for such pain.


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