12/3 Red Wing Human Rights Commission
December 8th, 2015
Red Wing has a Human Rights Commission, which was tasked by the City Council to take a look at the rescinded Resolution 6873:
It was originally passed that the meeting prior with almost zero discussion, and the introduction by Police Chief Pohlman included a gratuitous and off point reference to #blacklivesmatter (which has zero to do with “attacks on police” and everything to do with violations of civil rights through police assault and murder and the resulting investigations and charges) (except for a procedural sidebar about Resolution v. Proclamation!):
Listen to the Council’s discussion of 9/28/2015 HERE — video at 1:05 – 1:11
It was pulled back into the City Council and was unanimously rescinded and sent to the Human Rights Commission (HRC):
Oct 12, 2015 | Agenda | Video |
… and now back to the Human Rights Commission. They had nothing to comment on, except the rescinded Resolution 6873 which was handed out and on display overhead, but they also didn’t seem to hear comments on Resolution 6873. ??? They heard from 5 of us, and then formed a Committee and are taking input through tomorrow. HERE’S THEIR CONTACT INFO
I sent them this report, an initiative of the Maplewood Police Chief, this from their Human Rights Commission, something the Police Chief could have done unilaterally, but wanted input, something Red Wing’s Human Rights Commission could do:
Here’s what I sent them today:
To the Human Rights Commission:
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
It’s unfortunate that Councilor Bayley and Chief Pohlman’s resolution, which was drafted prior to the second City Council meeting rescinding Resolution 6873, was not available for review and comment. Despite a request, and response that it would be circulated, I can’t find it anywhere on the HRC page or in my inbox. Any resolution under consideration should be part of the public agenda packet for review prior to the meeting. Otherwise, it’s hard to offer on point comments.
Drafting of any resolution should be done in concert with the City Attorney, that’s what they’re there for.
I urge you to take a look at a recent initiative in the City of Maplewood, spearheaded by their Chief of Police:
Maplewood Police Prohibited from Asking Immigration StatusI’ve also attached the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing for your review. Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
I think the priority at this point is to assure that Resolution 6873 not go further, and that some Resolution not be drafted and forwarded by the Human Rights Commission just to “do something.” The purpose of that last resolution was to push for federal legislation regarding “Hate Crime” designation, joining the National Federation of Police’s lobbying campaign, and that’s not the job of the City of Red Wing.
Increase of protective gear, training of our police force, and policy directives are examples of things under Red Wing’s jurisdiction that are the appropriate subject of a Resolution and could be considered.
I hope that the Human Rights Commission will consider whether there is a need for a Resolution. As I understand it, there is not a history of attacks on police in Red Wing, and I believe Red Wing has worked hard toward equitable and responsible policing. In continuing of this City’s trends, and as a part of your deliberation and consideration, please review of the City of Maplewood’s efforts, and the President’s Task Force Report, which could provide some insight and direction toward options for action.
Thank you for your consideration.
Carol A. Overland
Red Wing
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