Karst conference — in Rochester!
October 8th, 2015
AAAAAARGH, how did I miss this? Though I couldn’t have afforded to attend…
The Sinkhole Conference: Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst
Friday afternoon is the Karst Field Trip!!!
And it’s in the Post Bulletin too:
What you don’t know about sinkholes can hurt you
I’m remembering how important karst was in the nuclear waste mess, because the “alternate waste mandate” required nuclear waste be sited “in Goodhue County” but Goodhue County is 1/2 active karst, and the rest “transition” or “covered” karst. Karst was the major factor that lead to the sites in Florence Township, based on the USGS maps at the time. This map above would rule out Goodhue County!
It’s a conference week! Tuesday and Wednesday, it was an asbestos-like fiber conference about health and environmental impacts. Alan’s interest, and I had piles of work to do, good environment at the EPA library!
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