
WHOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEE, happy day. AP has finally corrected its December 9, 2006, story on Excelsior’s Mesaba Project, the coal gasification project with the grossly escalating price! Well worth the three week wait, though it would have been even better to have it in print all over the state, like the article was, BEFORE the public hearings. Gee, where would they get a number like that? Oh well. Rejoice, the cost is becoming known…

It’s in the West Central Tribune in Willmar

And it’s in the St. Paul Pioneer Press:

Correction: Coal Gasification story
Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS – In a Dec. 9 story about Senate approval of tax credits that could benefit an Excelsior Energy Inc. project, The Associated Press reported erroneously the estimated cost of the company’s proposed coal gasification plant. The estimated cost is $2.15 billion, not $1.2 billion, according to a document filed with the U.S. Department of Energy. The story also listed Hoyt Lakes as the site of the project. Another site, in Taconite, is also under consideration.

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