
The Orders are out!  On October 30, 2014, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission ordered that the permit for the Black Oak (10-1240) and Getty (11-831) wind projects be amended.  This is the one where they were “NOT” talking about “layout.”  Or so the Chair most emphatically said (despite the meeting notice, staff briefing papers, and their order options saying layout was at issue).

PUC Chair: This is not about layout…

The written order came out today — note that the term “layout” is used 27 times in the Order… and then there’s the attached permit for a total of 41 times… oh, and the part about ownership:

Black Oak Wind Project_Amended Permit_WS-10-1240

Getty Wind Project_Amended Permit  WS-11-831

And on that note, here are Comments filed yesterday in the Certificate of Need docket:

Comments, Petition to Intervene, and Petition for Contested Case on behalf of Residents of Getty and Raymond Twps_11-17-2014

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