Good news from the MPCA?
July 29th, 2014
Credit where credit is due! MPCA, keep at it! You all know I love to slap up the MPCA, well, any agency, when they’re missing the boat. Well, I also am a big believer in letting them know when they’re doing something right, and I’m cautiously optimistic that we’re seeing the beginning of something important!
For most of this year, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been holding meetings about Environmental Justice, and it looks to me like the MPCA is working to shift active identification and recognition of environmental justice issues and impacted parties/resources to the agency. Agency initiative. Can this be?
Yesterday’s agenda (and GREAT food!):
Check out the MPCA Environmental Justice Page!
I’m a grizzled old fart, and have been around agencies for entirely too long, but what is apparent is that this agency is taking the initiative to address environmental justice issues, and to be proactive, not just reactive. And it’s not just me, there are a few other grizzled old farts who are encouraged, excited, and looking forward to progress. It feels like something may be happening.
What I’ve also noticed is that the “usual suspect” organizations are absent. There’s a big long list on the MPCA Environmental Justice Page and with one exception, they’re no shows. Karen Monahan, Sierra Club, has done a lot to get this moving. Is it that these other groups don’t care? Is it a coincidence that things are happening in their absence?
The “Framework Elements” are:
- Core Regulatory Services (Permitting, Compliance and Enforcement, etc.)
- EJ Area Analysis
- Enhanced Ouutreach
- Consideration of Cumulative Impacts
- Stakeholder Engagement
Hey, MPCA — can you post the handouts from yesterday and contact info and meeting notices?
If you are interested in what they’re doing, contact Ned Brooks, the MPCA’s Environmental Justice Coordinator:
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