A friend found this on her door in Richfield today. Called the number, 651-771-1500, and asked that they not flyer her house (is there a “Do not lit drop” list?), and got a ration of hateful verbal abuse.
I went to the site, “Planned Parenthood Exposed,” and it’s pretty rabid. EEEEEUW.
How’s this, according to them, Planned Parenthood would “aid and abet the sex-trafficking of minor girls” (linked below):
Investigations found seven Planned Parenthood clinics in four different states were willing to aid and abet the sex-trafficking of minor girls by supplying confidential birth control, STD testing, and secret abortions to underage girls and their traffickers.
Or this (linked):
Planned Parenthood received over $500 million in forced taxpayer funding last year. And the nation’s largest abortion corporation is teaching the children it doesn’t abort to abuse, degrade, and torture each other for sexual satisfaction.
It’s an operation of “Prolife Action Ministries” — and today, lit drops claiming “Planned Parenthood is Preying Upon Your Community.”
It’s too bad my brother isn’t in the neighborhood anymore — I’m sure he and Oggy would like to have a chat with them!
Here’s a blurb on their site that has me scratching my head? If you can figure it out, let me know how it’s possible to “dramatically increased the number of babies killed by abortion in 2013” “in spite of the number of abortions being performed in Minnesota dropping to its lowest level since before 1975.” Am I missing something here? I’d think they’d be happy that the number of abortions are dropping…
(July 1, 2014) – Planned Parenthood, Minnesota’s abortion giant, dramatically increased the number of babies killed by abortion in 2013 according to the just released Report to the Legislature by the Minnesota Department of Health. This in spite of the number of abortions being performed in Minnesota dropping to its lowest level since before 1975.
“Clearly, Planned Parenthood equals abortion. Planned Parenthood has attempted to rebrand itself as healthcare, but it remains nothing more than the state’s greatest purveyor of abortion,” said Brian Gibson, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action Ministries. “There is no truth to its propaganda about reducing abortions. This organization finds a way to dutifully increase its abortion numbers in accord with Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s quotas while Minnesota’s abortion number continues to decline,” Gibson continued.
Planned Parenthood opened a referral clinic in Richfield on Monday which targets the Hispanic community in a continuing effort to expand its abortion business.
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