Xcel Energy is presenting at the Red Wing City Council meeting on Monday. Here’s the presentation:

The interesting part is in the company’s response to the City of Red Wing comment to the PUC, pages 30-36 of Attachment 7C. And it’s p. 33 that is really interesting. Xcel confesses that they have no intention of unloading the existing TN-40s and putting that waste in the new casks!

Oh, really?

Have you forgotten the statute, or do you think we will forget?

Here’s the state’s law that requires the Commission to order casks usable for transportation so the nuclear waste can be shipped out of here:

Better make sure the Public Utilities Commissioners aren’t sleeping at the switch.

And North East Independent School District, a school district in San Antonio, is reviewing their books. That school district, FYI, has a section in school library where parental permission is necessary to check out books? WTAF?


From the North East Independent School District website: “Feel free to email us at board@neisd.net. We welcome your comments, questions, or concerns.”


Have at it, let them know what you think.

A Texas school district is reviewing 400 library books after a GOP lawmaker’s inquiry

From the article:

“If a book needs to be moved from elementary to the secondary level or whether a book at the high school level needs to be placed in a separate section that requires parental permission,” she wrote.

“The idea is more of a reorganization and a reshuffle — the purpose is not to remove books.”

And on Krause’s effort:

But the Democratic vice chair of the panel says the inquiry is a waste of taxpayers’ money and educators’ time. State Rep. Victoria Neave says it’s an attempt to obscure facts and exploit a wedge issue for political gain.

And this:

Texas school district pulls 400 books from library shelves for review after legislator’s inquiry

Here we go again. I thought I’d posted this, but on the road, so much to do that I forgot! SO, here it is, the DOE’s “Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on Using a Consent-Based Siting Process to Identify Federal Interim Storage Facilities.”

Here’s the PDF:

Comments are due by March 4, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. They’re looking for answers to these questions, and yes, this IS an essay test. Take some time to work through and write some cogent answers:

We had a round of this four years ago, here are a couple Legalectric posts:

“Consent-based” nuclear waste siting? July 13th, 2016

DOE “Consent-Based” Nuclear Waste Mtg. July 22nd, 2016

And my comment then:

Get to work. Four months until comments are due — easy peasy!

Carbon Capture & Storage?

December 2nd, 2021

Thanks to John Blair & Valley Watch for this: