My latest LTE in RW bEagle

December 25th, 2021

You can watch the meeting video at the link here:

“Storm the City” lite in Red Wing

A little holiday gift for my good friends at NSP/Xcel Energy:

The issues I’m concerned about, at this point, are primarily transmission related:

This should be intense, guaranteed, but fun, eh?

The Public Utilities Commission has referred Xcel Energy’s rate case petition to Office of Administrative Hearings for a contested case, no surprise. PUC Docket E002/GR-21-630.

So while digging through rate case filings related to transmission, I noticed FERC has issues pending that will affect transmission rate recovery, and decided to take a peek at FERC and did find this recent FERC Order issued last Thursday on transmission line ratings, so I’m parking that here for future reference:

Click on map for larger version

Back in October, there was a Federal Register notice published that the Forest Service has made an application to withdraw 225,378 acres from NEW (not existing) leasing, land in the Rainy River Watershed and near the BWCA. This application to withdraw the land from leasing follows the prior administration’s quashing of Obama administration withdrawal, thus opening up land for mineral leasing in 2018 — from press release (linked):

And now there’s another application to turn that around and again stop leasing Minnesota land for minerals exploration! GOOD! Let’s undo their undoing!

And some movement forward — on December 14, 2021, the Superior National Forest Supervisor’s Office issued Notice of three meetings for public comment.

CLICK HERE for the Superior National Forest page on this Application

There’s an article in the STrib now: Meetings set to gather public input on proposal to halt new mineral leases near Boundary Waters

The meetings a rather weird set up — you have to register to get the Zoom link, and specify if you want to comment, and then they’ll do a drawing to see who can comment! No guarantees that you can!

Here are the meeting dates and links to register for comment:

Register for the Meeting on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, CST at

Register for the Meeting on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., CST at

Register for the Meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., CST at

When you register, you’ll get a link to zoom right away, and then you’re notified whether you’ve been selected to make a comment 3 days before the meeting.

Documents thus far — only scoping:


Something I’m wondering about is what exactly is affected, is it the brown on the map, is it everything within the red boundary, or is that brown existing leases that will not be included in this withdrawal? I’m just starting to look into this, so I’ll update this post as I figure it out.


December 19th, 2021

And AGAIN! It’s the Power Plant Siting Act Annual Hearing! You can attend in person, MASKED, or via webex or phone. Primary documents are posted below.

December 20, 2021 @ 9:30

PUC Large Meeting Room

121 – 7th Place East – 3rd Floor

St. Paul, MN


PUC Docket E999/PR-21-18 & OAH Docket 65-2500-37832

Written comments will be accepted through January 10, 2022, by 4:30 p.m.

Note notice only to those “who have requested notice” above? Nope, notice should be to all who are on service and project lists for projects active in the calendar year. Thankfully EERA does give notice to a lot more than just those “who have requested notice” (see “Notice & Service Lists” link posted above).

From the EQB Monitor:

Here are the projects EERA’s Summary says were approved — note that for wind it does NOT list applicable parts of 216E, such as Minn. Stat. 216E.03, Subd. 7!

Meanwhile, the update of rules for PPSA siting, Minn. R. ch. 7850, is stalled out again, WITHDRAWN by the PUC last Thursday, supposedly based on many comments made over the last few weeks by a bunch of people and orgs who were utterly absent through the NINE YEARS of this rulemaking proceeding. My grits are FRIED! The PUC Agenda Item starts at the very end of the meeting, and note the bogus statements about the “why” of this rulemaking. Let’s be clear here — it’s due to the 2005 legislative changes, SIXTEEN YEARS AGO. See PUC Docket R-12-1246. Good grief… Discussion starts at 2:48:28: