I must admit, I get so tired of over and over and over and over harping on the basic bottom line, that we DON’T NEED MORE TRANSMISSION. But oh well… here we go again. Just filed Reply Comments on the Biennial Transmission Report:

Once more with feeling:

2021 Biennial Transmission Report

The deadline for Comments on the Lava Ridge wind project Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been extended to April 20, 2023. This is the wind project near, or nearly surrounding, the Minidoka National Historical Site, depending on the siting allowed.

Want to make a comment? Here’s how:

Here are links, starting with the Executive Summary and in order of appearance (there’s really no easy way to do this, and be prepared, just that first one with the narrative, it’s 578 pages long, and it’s the most important for the overview):

Go to the “Friends of Minidoka” for some guidelines and suggestions for comments:

Friends of Minidoka – Lava Ridge page

Yes, here in Red Wing, there’s a train every day...

Making up for lost time during COVID, a train trip and camping on the Oregon coast.

Soon… but not soon enough!

Hoping to avoid another Climate Change Amtrak trip from hell!

Big solar projects, utility scale projects taking up 2,500-3,500 acres of prime farmland, are an issue here in the midwest. There are legitimate problems, primarily runoff and erosion necessitating drainage mitigation and large ponds; and the problem of fencing around the project funneling wildlife onto the roads and highways.

Anyway, there’s been some attention paid to these issues, in one case by none other than my “friends” at Great Plains Institute, who were part of a federal study on stormwater management:

That’s good, an admission that there are problems with water draining off all these acres of impervious surface.

And this just came through today from the Environmental Quality Board:

The guidance has a link to a way to find “high value” resources:

Most high value resources described in this guidance document can be identified using Minnesota
Conservation Explorer (MCE)

It’s out:

Marketing Analytics “State of the Market” report on PJM

These reports, regarding here, PJM, and also MISO’s report, it’s so useful to get the picture of what’s going on in the electrical world. Of note is the “market” focus, because that’s what PJM and MISO are all about, that’s what they’re for. See also the “NERC Report,” the annual Long Term Reliability Assessment that puts utility provided info together and lays out the reality of our electric energy situation.

Look at the numbers. PJM‘s supply is higher than peak demand, and demand dropped in 2022 from 2021. Note also that they’re factoring in exports. LOOK AT THE NUMBERS!

For those of you interested in real time updates (this is useful to check now and then) look at their Locational Marginal Pricing map:

And while you’re at it, check out MISO’s LMP map: