
Energy Policy & Public Participation: Monticello Nuclear Reactor.

Xcel Energy wants to re-license the Monticello Nuclear Reactor.

Is this the legacy we want to leave our kids and future generations?

Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Time: 7:00-8:45
Location: Southdale Library, 7001 York Avenue Edina MN

Featured Speakers:

Carol A. Overland and Ken Pentel

XCEL Energy plans to:
1. Renew the license for the Monticello Nuclear Power Plant, so it can operate 20 more years.(2010-2030)
2. Add a new dry cask storage facility for Monticello nuclear waste

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is soliciting comments until August 2, 2005 on the scope of environmental review.

Join us and learn why your participation matters.

Also, learn about:
* The 1993-4 debate over dry cask storage at Prairie Island
* The Prairie Island expansion of storage in 2003

–Carol A. Overland, a utility regulatory attorney who represents Intervenors in transmission and nuclear issues. Overland represented Florence Township in its four-year battle over nuclear waste storage.

–Ken Pentel, a community activist who served on the Steering Committee for the Prairie Island Coalition from 1993-4. Pentel was the Green Party Candidate for Governor in 1998 & 2002; Pentel called for the phase-out of the Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Reactors.

(From MPR, that’s Pentel on the left, Pawlenty on the right, duh!)

This non-partisan event is free & open to the public. Sponsored by the Green Party of Edina and Saint Louis Park Greens. For information call Julie Risser 952-927-7538.

FYI – Here’s the GPMN Statement on Storing Nuclear Waste at Prarie Island

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