Tonight – Leslie Glustrom in Mpls on Xcel Franchise
December 14th, 2011
Colorado’s Leslie Glustrom, hot off the Boulder campaign to oust Xcel Energy from its Boulder electrical franchise (two birds with one stone, first, Xcel is out, and second, the PSC is out too!) will be featured in a conversation about municipalization of electric utilities – where a city takes over its own energy purchases and distribution, and yes, even generation too, to the extent possible!
Municipalization in Minneapolis?
Xcel’s Minneapolis Franchise
Energy Options for Minneapolis
Boulder Colorado’s Leslie Glustrom
Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 7:30 pm
UTEC Center – Room 102B
1313 5th St. SE
Dinkytown, Mpls
Boulder, Colorado, has long gotten its electric service from Xcel Energy. Now, Boulder seems well on the way towards kicking out Xcel and setting up a publicly-owned electric utility. Boulder voters have made the choice, and Xcel lost the municipalization referendum in which it reportedly spent over ten times as much as the “municipalization” advocates.
Boulders ratepayers decide to explore a world without Xcel or the PUC.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, has also long received its power from Xcel Energy, and the agreement between the city and Xcel expires on Dec 31, 2014. This is the time to explore options, as Boulder has done!
Leslie Glustrom, Research Director of Clean Energy Action, headquartered in Boulder, has been close to the municipalization issue in Boulder and is visiting Minnesota. Leslie is a nationally-prominent energy figure and so effective that the Colorado Public Utilities Commission has banned her from intervening in Xcel proceedings!
Come meet with Leslie and other interested citizens to learn more about possible alternatives for electrifying Minneapolis.
TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
UTEC Center – Room 102B
1313 5th St. SE
Dinkytown, Mpls
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