Trump loses on “Sanctuary Cities” Exec Order in Federal Court
April 25th, 2017
Trump has lost yet another battle in federal court, this time it’s his “Sanctuary Cities” Executive Order, where planitiffs have now won a Preliminary Injunction (yes, ANOTHER!) in a constitutional challenge to that EO, and the court found that they’d likely prevail on the merits. Here’s the Order:
Oh, I love it when this happens…
Check out this punitive argument from tRump & Co., baldly brandishing it as a weapon:
And if there was doubt about the scope of the Order, the President and Attorney General have erased it with their public comments. The President has called it “a weapon” to use against jurisdictions that disagree with his preferred policies of immigration enforcement, and his press secretary has reiterated that the President intends to ensure that “counties and other institutions that remain sanctuary cites don’t get federal government funding in compliance with the executive order.” The Attorney General has warned that jurisdictions that do not comply with Section 1373 would suffer “withholding grants, termination of grants, and disbarment or ineligibility for future grants,” and the “claw back” of any funds previously awarded.
Order, p. 3. The Court was pretty straightforward about its view on that:
Federal funding that bears no meaningful relationship to immigration enforcement cannot be threatened merely because a jurisdiction chooses an immigration enforcement strategy of which the President disapproves.
Id. And dig this:
While the Government urges that the Order “does not purport to give the Secretary or Attorney General the unilateral authority” to impose new conditions on federal grants, that is exactly what the Order purports to do.
Order, p. 14.
Much like the previous court decisions, the judge laid it out clearly in the TRO — the government’s position is not credible and has no basis in law.
Yes, yet another Temporary Restraining Order against a tRump Executive Order. What a loser. Love it when this happens, just love it.
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