

(This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no pdf document associated with this entry.) ORDER: The motion, No. 25 , is denied without prejudice. We’ll see how the briefing goes. Signed by Judge D. P. Marshall Jr. on 1/17/2017. (slb) (Entered: 01/17/2017)

Here’s the NPR report, as above, the Motion was denied today, without prejudice:

Clean Line Wants Landowners’ Hearing Expedited, Says Delays Imperil $2 Billion Project

Here are the filings leading up to this, from the Eastern Arkansas Federal Court site:






02713958575_Order_Schedule 02713961448_


And as above, the simple text denial of that Motion:

(This is a TEXT ENTRY ONLY. There is no pdf document associated with this entry.) ORDER: The motion, No. 25 , is denied without prejudice. We’ll see how the briefing goes. Signed by Judge D. P. Marshall Jr. on 1/17/2017. (slb) (Entered: 01/17/2017)


Interesting letter arrived today:

GNTL_Invitation to Consult

It says that “DOE is contacting you because you submitted comment(s) related to cultural resources during the open NEPA public scoping period for the proposed GNTL project.”

RRANT Scoping Comment


So what does that mean? What’s involved?  Sending info to them?  Sending more Comments?  Attending meetings? A free trip to D.C?  A self-funded trip to International Falls in February?

“Consultation” is a term of art in federal permitting, and is required with all Indian tribes, of which there are several in the area of the project.  In this case, they also specify “the State Historic Preservation Officer” and “the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation,” and also “certain individuals and organizations…”

Here’s the  National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA)

Working with Section 106

Energy Development, Transmission and Historic Preservation

Are “historical resources” all that they’re concerned about, is there a special category for “cultural resources?”  Or are different people invited to consult on different categories?

And if this is something I want to do, and it is, I have to “include information about your demonstrated legal or economic relation to the undertaking” … (odd word, that)… ” or to properties potentially affected by the proposed GNTL project…”

UntitledGuess I’d better figure out what I said in those comments first!