City of Red Wing asks the right questions
April 25th, 2009
Remember Xcel isn’t too happy about the City of Red Wing intervening? See “Xcel not a happy camper” from last month.
Maybe it’s because Red Wing has a stake in this, as host to Xcel’s Prairie Island nuclear generating plant.
Here we see that in Information Requests in the Prairie Island uprate and dry cask docket at the PUC, the City of Red Wing is asking the right questions:
Here’s a couple that I find extremely amusing, starting with IR-21:
or this one… IR-22:
and IR-23:
and IR-24:
Yes, we are having fun now.
I wonder… will they give the City of Red Wing a copy of EPRI’s “The TN-24P PWR Spent-Fuel Storage Cask: Testing and Analyses” report? That’s EPRI report NP-5128. Let’s see the results of that “Three Stooges” INEL unloading attempt where the assembly got stuck half out, half in, and wouldn’t move… HILARIOUS, I’ve never seen such a rip-snortin’ report, hard to read between the lines without busting a gut!