The DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement for the Ottertail-WIlkin CO2 pipeline is out and open for comment.

Yes, this is a relatively “small” project, it’s that little rectangle in the above map, but as the first CO2 pipeline going through permitting in Minnesota, it’s a precedent setter. Issues include the environmental impacts, the risks, the costs, the financing scheme, whether this collection of CO2 from ethanol plants and shipping it to ??? to use??? to store underground??? whether it will make a dent in CO2 production. From my experience with CO2 capture and storage, I think it’s a lot of hoopla for a projects that costs billions and which will make the project owners very wealthy and not do much, if anything, for us. However, that being said, I need to check out the details. You can too — right here:

OtterTail_to_Wilkin_CO2_Pipeline_Project_Draft EIS_all chapters.pdf
Appendix A Final Scoping Decision.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part1.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part2.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part3.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part4.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part5.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part6.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part7.pdf
Appendix B Detailed Route Maps_Part8.pdf

CO2 Capture Pipeline? Just NO!

November 2nd, 2021

Summit Carbon Solutions, LLC is looking to build billions in pipelines, ostensibly to ship CO2 out of state.

Here’s another map, from the “Presentation-Materials” below — look how far into Minnesota it goes from the south, and even from the west:

Yeah, right. Great idea… NOT! Whether it gets built or not, for sure they’re working to get federal grants and loans! Here’s their plan, the handout and presentation from recent Iowa meetings, and after the Iowa meetings, it’s open season, they can file a project proposal with the Iowa Utilities Board at any time:

I fired off this missive to the Iowa Utilities Board:

To look at the IUB’s Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline docket, go HERE, and in that press release, click on the link for Docket No. HLP-2021-0001 and click on the left side the “FILINGS” and there you’ll find a LOT to read! These two studies are among the filings — issues and risks are not new, but here’s a few new studies, newer than what we had back in the Mesaba Project days:

I cannot believe that anyone would regard this as a feasible concept, but what with the millions being shoveled at toadies like Great Plains Institute to promote CO2 capture and storage (nevermind it just isn’t a thing), it’s no surprise:

I guess they can’t read:

We learned a LOT about CO2 capture and storage during the years of Excelsior Energy’s Mesaba Project. CO2 capture is absurdly expensive to capture even a little CO2, and most cannot be captured. And then what? For the Mesaba project, the “plan” they offered captured a tiny amount and then took it to the plant gate — and then what? Who knows, nothing further was disclosed other than a map showing allegedly suitable sites, but no, there was nothing real. This map:

Their plan? Read it and guffaw, snort, hoot and holler:

And Excelsior Energy’s press release:

And check this, about CO2 leaks:

Some other info:

Now remember, when we’re talking about Carbon Capture and Sequestration, there are three distinct parts:

1) Capture (this has been focus of industry studies)

2) Transport

– $60k/inch/mile = $1,080,000/mi for 18″ pipe

– Repressurization stations along the way

3) Sequestration ($3-10/ton, per Sally M. Benson)

And this is all old news:

CO2 pipelines? It’s a red herring!

Do we really need to go through this again??

And some more old news:

Economic Modeling of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology

Hydro & Geological Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration Pilot

Electricity without CO2 – Assessing the Costs of CO2 Capture and Sequestration

Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration – Site Evaluation to Implementaion