FIRE! ACE’s Orchard substation is on fire!
December 14th, 2009
“HOT” off the press from Stop the Poles! The Atlantic City Electric substation in southern New Jersy went up in flames today.
And as to the article below, keep in mind that this is one big honkin’ substation — “distribution” — I don’t think so…
How does a substation burn?!?!?!?!?! Apparently it’s the plastic wall around it that’s on fire, the “sound” wall, but how could that be? How could that burn? And I’ve heard that emergency crews can’t get near it,they’re on the scene, but aren’t allowed to get close. That’s them banded together to the left of the line, and that’s the substation on the left. Must be pretty intense toxic emissions?!?!?!
Here’s another photo:
Fire reported at Atlantic City Electric Co.’s Orchard Substation in Upper Pittsgrove
By Today’s Sunbeam
December 14, 2009, 4:36PMSeveral Salem County fire companies have been called to the scene.
Heavy smoke to could be seen in the area.
The cause of the fire is still unknown.
The new station is part of Atlantic City Electric’s power distribution network in South Jersey.
Big win for Stop the Poles!
August 17th, 2009
Today a big win for Stop the Poles! The New Jersey Dept. of Transportation said a big resounding “NO!” to Atlantic City Electric’s request to use DOT Right-of-Way to stick it to the community!
Atlantic City Electric is part of PEPCO Holdings Inc, a big electric conglomerate in the Mid-Atlantic. They (the big boys, not ACE, I’m sure) decided they wanted to build a 230kV loop around the area to reinforce the system, in expectation of massive power transfers up from Salem, right ACE?
So they just up and decided to build it. Above are the transmission lines built on Bridgeton Road, one of those “elevator” construction jobs, where there’s no poles, and one day, someone “pushes the button” and there they are in all their ugliness. No notice, no consultation, no fanfare, no nothing,one day they saw them being pounded into the ground, going over fields, roads, right across Bridgeton Road from homes that are up against the road on the other side, so close it’s disgusting and downright dangerous … there’s zero clear zone from the road, EMF right there and nowhere to go … and then there’s the substation.
The substation is lit up like an inter-gallactic space station and hums so loudly that the neighbors are losing sleep. It’s been a community point of contention with Atlantic City Electric ever since they appeared.
And Atlantic City Electric wanted to double the mess by doing the same thing along Highway 77. Highway 77 already has some smaller wood poles, and along Bridgeton Road and along Highway 77, cars are regularly careening off the road and there’s wreck after wreck there. Newer and bigger poles is not a good idea.
So the DOT told ACE where NOT to stick their poles! Looks like it’s time for the Atlantic City Electric folks to head back to PEPCO for a little training in application procedures and public relations! Not that PEPCO knows…