MAPP is dead, dead, dead

August 8th, 2012

Just in today from PEPCO:


I am writing to provide an update on PHI’s proposed Mid Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP) project.

Today PJM issued the final results of its 2012 transmission analysis and due to factors such as lower load growth from the sluggish economy, the installation of new gas fired power plants, and the increase in demand response programs, no reliability violations were identified within the transmission planning window. As a result, the PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC) issued a recommendation that the MAPP project be canceled.  On August 24, 2012, the PJM Board of Managers will meet to make a final decision on the TEAC’s recommendation.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your interest and participation in the MAPP project over the past few years.

Thank you,

Mark Okonowicz
MAPP – Environmental Coordinator
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
P – 302-283-6115
C – 302-463-5438

This is after their bogus claims, in 2008, of skyrocketing peak demand (utterly unsupported by fact) from a June 25, 2008 MAPP Presentation found on the DNREC site — this “forecast” is so outrageous, and cancellation is SO HILARIOUS in light of Todd Goodman’s objections to my chalenging demand:


So let’s take a step back – what is MAPP?


No, this isn’t about the Mid-Continent Area Power Pool… it’s the Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP), and it is DEAD!

The Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway, a transmission line that was part of “Project Mountaineer,” a coal transmission web that was hatched at a 2005 FERC meeting.  MAPP was the NE part of line 4, below (Susquehanna-Roseland is the eastern part of line 1):


Here’s the transcript of that meeting, too scary, but it’s important to read this:

FERC Transcript 5/13/05

They tried and tried and tried, against evidence, to ram all these projects through.  The did manage to get the first one through, the TrAIL (Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line) project, but PATH (Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline) is dead, Susquehanna-Roseland is permitted but not yet built…

Slowly but surely, PJM is admitting that transmission is not “needed” by any measure.  With MAPP, first they planned it as above, in the first map, and then they eliminated the part in Delaware from Indian River to Salem/Hope Creek nuclear plants:


Despite this, Delaware’s DNREC issued permits for part of this project in Sussex County, Delaware!  Whatever for?  Why would they do this?  Aren’t they paying attention to things electrical?  DNREC should know this is not needed

Delmarva Power Receives Delaware Subaqueous Lands Permit

Delmarva Power & Light Company (DPL) has received the Subaqueous Lands Permit from the State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) for the transmission line associated with the MAPP project in Sussex County, Delaware.  This permit grants DPL the ability to place temporary mats in the existing right of way to establish access and work areas over subaqueous lands to support construction activities.

Here is today’s good news — PJM’s latest review, just released, showing NO THERMAL VIOLATIONS — DUH:

August 9, 2012 Reliability Analysis Update

Here are two slides that say it all, the first focused on PATH but including MAPP, and the second, the “MAPP Project Analysis” results:

And the bottom line?  Another DUH, GOODBYE PATH AND GOODBYE MAPP:

Once again, we’re proven right.  How long have we been fighting all these transmission projects, how much time, effort and money showing it’s not needed, even when using INDUSTRY studies, documentation, forecasts.  All their claims of need are fabricated, reverse-engineering to get the result they want, billions of dollars of PRIVATE INTEREST, not PUBLIC interest, projects, built on the backs of landowners, with a FERC guaranteed 12+% rate of return for the owners/builders/developers.

The down side is the ratepayers are probably going to be hit with all these development costs because so many jurisdictions allow recovery for “CWP,” construction work in progress.  So we get screwed, but not as badly as if they had built the projects.

Like CapX 2020, this project was another of those personal projects.  MAPP was originally heading up through Delaware to the Salem/Hope Creek nuclear plants, and the Delaware part would have gone near us in Port Penn, we’re right across the Delaware River from Salem/Hope Creek.  They should know better than to try something like that!

Still in transit…

September 7th, 2009

Tomorrow is the Legislative Energy Commission on TRANSMISSION

TUESDAY, September 8, 2009
12:00 PM
Legislative Energy Commission
Room: Room 123 State Capitol
Chairs: Rep. Bill Hilty, Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon
Agenda: Transmission

I’m dead last on the agenda… again… and hope it’s not another set up for another “Hilty Jilty.”

And we’re still in transit.  Sometimes it’s a long way between here:


and there:


Or there and here… whatever…

It’s a beautiful foggy morning in Coulee Country!