Prairie Island dry cask DEIS Comments filed
December 7th, 2024
It’s no work of art, but in the scenario this proceeding is in, with Prairie Island Indian Community and City of Red Wing deep in it with or working on agreements with Xcel Energy, there’s not much we can do, little impact, as they’re the players, and also, AAAAACK, I just didn’t have time.
The DEIS did grossly misrepresent the history and status of Xcel’s Utility Personal Property Tax payments to local governments, so I did include the City of Red Wing comment in the IRP (below page 13, Attachment A).
The main purpose of this is to push for reworking of the “low-dose” radiation exposure modeling using Aaron Datesman’s cutting edge Three Mile Island “shot noise” work to correct for the GIGO current modeling and more accurately characterize the risk.
Sooooooo, anyway, here’s what I filed:
Fukushima Daiichi — 4 years ago today
March 11th, 2015
Four years ago today nuclear reactors at Fukushima Daiichi started melting down.
… same type of reactor that it is in Monticello, along the Mississippi River, upriver and just northwest of the Twin Cities.
Four years later…
Four years later…
Some residents to ‘come home to Fukushima disaster zone
The government says about 138,000 Fukushima residents are still living in temporary accommodation.
Four years later…
Four years later…
Navy Sailors Possibly Exposed to Fukushima Radiation Fight for Justice
Fukushima Daiichi update
March 26th, 2011
The saga at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear site continues, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better, officials continue to report the situation as “grave.”
Radiation doses spread unequally – Daily Yomiuri Online
TEPCO workers not warned of radiation risk- Daily Yomiuri Online
Iodine 1,250times over limit – Daily Yomiuri Online
Radiation spikes in sea off Fukushima plant – Market Watch
Radioactivity rises in seawater near Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant – Washington Post
Japan PM calls situation at nuclear plant “grave” – Business Week