IGCC – a bad idea goes to Mississippi
July 20th, 2009
and Mississippi’s PSC says… “Ummmmm… not so fast…”
It’s Mississippi Power’s Kemper County IGCC project. I’ve had a few interesting conversations about this project this morning, and some productive googling time. Like WOW, can you believe what they’re trying to do?
Mississippi Power had the audacity to think it could get “construction work in progress” rate recovery, and boost the rates immediately if not sooner to pull the $$$ out of ratepayer pockets to build this boondoggle. And there’s where the Mississippi PSC comes in, saying, “Ummmmmmm, no, not so fast!” (perhaps it was “STOP — THIEF!!!!”)
For the Mississippi PSC docket on this, go here:
And there’s DOE involvement – and EIS
And of course Richard Hargis is on this one too… I’ve fired off an email to him about the status.
Mississippi Power says that they plan to build a plant with CO2 capture and sequestration!?!?! What a farce — it’s not been done, can’t be done, and even if it could, THAT WOULD REDUCE PLANT OUTPUT BY HOW MUCH? Give me a break.
Let’s see, they say $2.2 billion cost, well, that might build about 80% of the plant, add another $440 million to complete it, add another $1 billion OR MORE for capture, and that doesn’t even include CO2 sequestration, transport pipeline and pressurization stations and place to store it, AND THEN THERE’S LIABILITY COVERAGE FOR CO2 RELEASES… and that doesn’t even include the 25-40% loss of efficiency for capture, transport and repressurization and storage FOREVER… How dare they spout this unadulterated bullshit…
Is this a Conoco Phillips project, or ??? I’ll dig around to see what I can see… Nope, it says “KBR” and based on some plant in Wilsonville, Alabama… again, I’ll do some digging.
Oh my, it’s not a power plant, it’s:
The Power Systems Development Facility in Wilsonville, Alabama
Here we go, from McMillan Scott:
And here’s a great report in the Jackson Free Press (when was the last time you heard about parasitic load in any newspaper?!?! Very well done!!!)
PSC Creates New Hurdles for Coal-Burning Plant
Mississippi Power wants the PSC to move faster to approve a new plant.The PSC denied motions filed by competing power suppliers Magnolia Energy and Entegra Power Group, and the state attorney general motion to suspend their review of Mississippi Power’s request to build the plant, according to The Clarion-Ledger. The denials were only a portion of the whole story, however.
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