Another CCS scam bites the dust
October 10th, 2022
Here’s a real DOH! which could have been avoided, but DOE through several administrations keep throwing good money after bad for carbon capture and storage pipedream:
The ill-fated Petra Nova CCS project: NRG Energy throws in the towel
NRG’s Petra Nova project $$$:
Short version? FAIL! From the article:
Following this FAIL, the understatement of the century, from the article:
Yet CCS is a big part of the latest federal energy efforts. It’s also a huge boondoggle for not just outfits like NRC, but for certain “non-profits” like Great Plains Institute:
And check out these salaries:
Great Plains Institute helped push coal gasification, for extreme amounts of money…
Great Plains Institute – is Joyce getting their $$ worth?
January 18th, 2007
… but that pales in comparison for the dollars for this recent round of “carbon capture” promotional funding. Unreal…
Once more with feeling — carbon capture is not real, is not workable, is a waste of $$ and effort.