Xcel Energy Peak Demand = 9,245 MW
February 23rd, 2023
Yes, Xcel Energy’s 2022 10-K is out, below, and as always, the numbers are interesting. That peak demand number above is an important number — note that 16 years later, we’ve not reached that 2006 peak of 9,859 MW:
Here are the peak demand numbers over the years:
And here it is — Xcel Energy’s 2022 10-K:
And don’t forget about Xcel’s “EXCESS CAPACITY” that they’re selling over all this transmission we’ve had to pay for, the massive billions and billions of transmission build-out, and yes the generation that’s generating all this excess capacity:
This is not rocket science, there’s a lot more generation than what’s needed. If “we’d” do a better job of peak shaving, and utilization of storage, there’d be even more.
What are “we” waiting for?
Xcel Peak Demand 2019 DOWN
May 19th, 2020

It looks like I missed posting Xcel Energy’s Peak Demand for 2019, down from 2018. You can get all their SEC filings on their INVESTORS’ page.
Here’s their 2019 SEC 10-K:
And here’s what the last 20 years looks like: