Exceptions to ALJ’s Freeborn Recommendation
June 9th, 2018
Here’s the Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge.
In short:
Exceptions of parties to the Freeborn Wind siting permit proceeding:
Exceptions of “affected parties”
Cookie cutter cut and paste form letters with minor modifications:
Here’s a late filed one, another form letter:
Look who’s in the news!
January 5th, 2018
Yes, we all know that Mike Bull wrote most of the energy law now in place! But there’s no mention of those many years of work at House Regulated Industries Committee though…
And we all know that there are some big holes and problems with the wind siting statutes, rules, and standards. What will it take to get some of the problems worked through, like some respectful wind siting standards? We’re just starting to see, at long last, after years and years of complaints, some Public Utilities Commission action on wind noise issues.
Bent Tree_Noise Monitoring and Monitoring Report_20179-135856-01
Siting will have to be addressed, because despite sound modeling that says “no problem,” there are indeed problems. Despite shadow flicker modeling that says “no problem,” there are indeed problems.
Preventative siting is long overdue and needs to start NOW! And what about those already affected? “Buy the Farm” for wind? It’s overdue. Action after the fact is not the best of options, prevention is always the key, but for those now attempting to live in untenable circumstances, foisted on them by the nuisance moving into their community, and permitted by the Commission, what are the options?
Wind project in southern Minnesota gets pushback
Hey Mikey, how ’bout helping get to some solutions???