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Today in the inbox, this DNR Comment on the Chapter 7829 Rulemaking appeared:

DNR 7829 Comment_20157-112548-01

Here’s the juicy part:


DOH!  Brilliant!  So I quick wrote this up and filed a few minutes ago:

Overland 7829 Comments July 2015

Agencies have contributed so much when they show up, and now the DNR and DOT do show up and it’s so much appreciated!  How can building the record and getting their comments in be anything but good!  Let’s do it!!  Let’s establish a distinct status for state agencies to participate in Public Utility Commission dockets!


PUC Rules Comments due Tomorrow

January 23rd, 2013


Comments due TOMORROW!!!  If you want to be a part of the Rulemaking Advisory Committee, this is the time to let them know that you want to be included.  After you’ve written your comments, file in PUC Docket 12-1246 or email to: kate.kahlert@state.mn.us

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has opened a docket for… get this:

Possible Amendments to Rules Governing Certificates of Need and Site and Route Permits for Large Electric Power Plants and High-Voltage Transmission Lines, Minnesota Rules, Chapters 7849 and 7850; and to Rules Governing Notice Plan Requirements for High-Voltage Transmission Lines, Minnesota Rules, part 7829.2550; Revisor’s ID Number R-04151; PUC Docket No. E,ET,IP-999/R-12-1246.

This is similar to the OAH “Possible” rulemaking, where they’re on a fishing expedition, for what I have not a clue, whether it’s to get ideas, or find out what not to include or identify the usual suspects, very hard to tell, and I couldn’t get any information out of Bret Eknes at the PPSA Annual Hearing.  The notice states “The Commission has not yet drafted the possible rule amendments.”

Here’s the notice — note they do say that part of this is to “maximize citizen participation” so let’s hold them to it:

Request for Comments – “Possible” Amendments to Rules PUC Docket 12-1246

Possible?  Ummmmm, right… well, it’s about time. Here’s the PUC’s Rulemaking site (you can also go to eDockets, search for 12-1246):

I’d put in a rulemaking Petition two years ago tomorrow…

Overland Petition 2010 PPSA Annual Hearing, filed January 2011

…and they said they wanted it broken down.  OK, sure, whatever, so I did.  Thus far I’ve filed the OAH ones, and haven’t gotten around to doing that yet.  SO, got to work today and ground out these comments based on the previously filed ones, you can use these for ideas, steal away!

NoCapX & U-CAN Comments – Jan 23, 2013

Once more with feeling, they’re due tomorrow.