Yes, wind developers and promoters are ALARMED!
June 13th, 2018
The Star Tribune gets it — what will it take for developers and promoters to get it, and to get to work and help fix the wind siting rules, practices, and procedures? What is it going to take for developers and promoters get that they need to deal with the demonstrated problems with siting, rather than distract and divert? We need wind siting rules, standards, and procedures people can live with. This is 20+ years overdue. It is no coincidence that with the first siting docket to utilize the proper siting criteria, the first siting docket to hold a contested case, we get that result. Wind has been sited improperly for 20+ years now. Let’s deal with this going forward, have a wind siting rulemaking, develop appropriate wind siting standards (not like the bogus 2008 attempt), and looking back, develop a workable complaint process and address problems with operating projects. Just quit the dodging and weaving… They’re terrified, yet dig in their heels and flail rather than deal with it… (I mean really, all the cut and paste comments, good grief, is that the best they can do?)
Judge’s ruling against Minnesota wind farm causes alarm for advocates
They say judge’s opposition to proposal could threaten future of the industry.