Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 1:00 p.m.

PUC – 3rd Floor Large Hearing Room

121 – 7th Place East

St. Paul, MN


Got that?  Now QUICK!  QUICK – put together your comments and let the PUC know just what you think of the Power Plant Siting Act.

Minn. Stat. Chapter 216E – Power Plant Siting Act

Here’s what they suggested for last year, because this year, no suggestions, so let’s recycle and reuse:

l. In Chapter 216E, the Legislature directs the Commission to locate large electric power facilities so that any siting is orderly, efficient and compatible with environmental preservation. How well do the Commission’s procedures and practices meet these mandates?

2. How well do the regulations found in Minnesota Rules Part 7850 meet the mandates of Chapter 2l6E? Which rules, if any, should the Commission consider revising?

3. How well do the regulations found in Minnesota Rules Part 1405 meet the mandates of Chapter 216E? Which rules, if any, should the Commission consider revising?

Comments are invited through presentation of oral or written statements.

Written comments are due 4:30 p.m. on February 1, 2012 – REFERENCE DOCKET E999-/M-11-324 and send to:

Eric L. Lipman
Office of Administrative Hearings
P.O. Box 64620
St.Paul, MN  55164-0620

And here are comments from past years – for guidance, check these out:

2000 Summary of Proceedings

2000 Report EQB

2001 Summary of Proceedings

2001 Report EQB

2002 Summary of Proceedings

2002 Report to EQB

2003 Summary of Proceedings

2003 Report to EQB

2004 Summary of Proceedings

2004 Report to EQB

2005 Report to PUC

2006 Report to PUC – Docket 06-1733

2007 Report to PUC – Docket 07-1579

2008 Report to PUC – Docket 08-1426

2009 Report to PUC – Docket 09-1351

2010 Lipman Report to PUC – Comments Summary – Docket 10-222

Written Comments – Linked

For Hearing Exhibits, go to, search docket 10-222

Now’s the time!