Terrorism and the “Climate of Hate”
January 10th, 2011
White Terrorism from Prof. Juan Cole, University of Michigan:
From Spotty…
Singing Kum Bah Yah, off key
And from Paul Krugman:
Climate of Hate
By PAUL KRUGMAN/The New York TimesPut me in the latter category. I’ve had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach ever since the final stages of the 2008 campaign. I remembered the upsurge in political hatred after Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 — an upsurge that culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing. And you could see, just by watching the crowds at McCain-Palin rallies, that it was ready to happen again. The Department of Homeland Security reached the same conclusion: in April 2009 an internal report warned that right-wing extremism was on the rise, with a growing potential for violence.
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