Solar Rulemaking Petition on file at WI PSC
December 12th, 2018
Does anyone else think it odd, when solar projects in Wisconsin are in the 2-10MW range, to apply to site the 300MW Badger Hollow solar project when there are no rules? Yeah, I know, it sounds like Minnesota siting 2,000+ MW of large wind projects with no rules and using small wind standards, way too similar. But this is real. 300MW of solar is a LOT of solar. It’s central station solar. It’s on some of the best ag land in Wisconsin. And it just happens to be on the route of the proposed Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line!
What to do? Rulemaking, of course. Yeah, we know how that goes (PUC denies Reconsideration re: Wind Rulemaking), but without rules, how will they reasonably site this project? Without rules, how will they reasonably site any solar project? So of course here we go, the Jewell Jinkins Intervenors’ solar rulemaking petition:
Petition for Rulemaking_JJI_Solar_FINAL_Signed
And Wisconsin’s PSC “ERFed” it today. It’s docket 1-AC-254. It’s my understanding that a comment period will be announced and then the Commission will decide whether or not to proceed with rulemaking.