No ICE detention in Pine Island!
July 1st, 2018
Fair use from Rolling Stone
Next Pine Island City Council meeting: 7/17 at 7!
City Council Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm on the 2nd floor of City Hall. City Council Meetings can be viewed here.
In New York Times:
All over U.S., Local Officials Cancel Deals to Detain Immigrants
The ICE request for proposals:
Immigration Detention Services Multiple Areas of Responsibility
Request_for_Information_Multiple_AOR_2017_Final.pdf |
Pine Island – Proposed Immigration and Customs Enforcement in which Pine Island says:
Let Pine Island know what you think about an ICE detention facility:
Mayor Rod Steele <>, Jerry Vettel <>, Jason Johnson <>, Mike Hildenbrand <>, David Friese <>, City Administrator <>, Finance-Account Clerk <>, Economic Development Director <>
Some recent articles:
Should Pine Island stay in the discussion for ICE detention center?
Our View: ICE looks at Pine Island for detention center
Pine Island Looked at as Potential Site for ICE Detention Center
How one Minn. town is weighing the morals and economics of immigrant detention