Herman Cain, winner of today’s Horse’s Ass award for irresponsibility in the face of COVID — he is the COVIDIOT of the day!

Here he is at the tRump Tulsa Rally, June 20th. Note in the entire photo, there is exactly ONE mask visible.

Then he tweets this, ecstatic that masks are NOT mandatory:

And then, DOH, it’s revealed that June 29 he was diagnosed with COVID, two days before the twit twitted the above ecstatic “PEOPLE ARE FED UP” and on July 1, he was hospitalized with COVID! Twitting from his hospital bed?!?!

Then for staff, or whoever, to have the nerve to have the nerve to say, “Please keep him, and all who are battling this virus, in your prayers.” As if he cared about people he was with at that rally, as if he cared when he was so thrilled about distancing not being required at tRump’s Mt. Rushmore COVID-fest?

Herman Cain, here’s your Horse’s Ass award, for your irresponsible uncaring attitude toward COVID and toward those near you.
