I gotta make some bread…

February 21st, 2012


At this ripe old age, I figured that it was time to take on bread, to move beyond cooking learned from Jaybird at the Seward Cafe.  I give good grill, but it’s time to make some bread!  For some reason, it felt beyond me.  But with all this CapX 2020 transmission taking up so much time and effort, a diversion was in order, the “new” house just wasn’t sufficient.  So when the kitchen came together enough to have a counter to work on, not just a depressing blue wall, it was time to get started on bread, and it’s motivation to finish the kitchen:


(Can you tell I made some beer bread?)  Found a couple of cabinets that are pretty much what I think was there before they ruined the kitchen, ordered a butcher block counter, and the Julia pegboard is out on the porch waiting to be cut.  Almost… and close enough for rock & roll.

Around New Year, I splurged on a mixer, and it’s been amazingly easy.  Only one failure, the soda/powder Cottage Cheeze Dill bread was flat as a pancake, but with yeast, like wow, I CAN DO IT, and punching and kneading is very therapeutic — TAKE THAT, XCEL!

Basic french bread is down, herb and cheeze, and ever since I’ve been going to Smokey Row, I’ve been wanting to make the Icelandic Almond Rolls and Cardamom Rolls.   So I threw caution to the wind, grabbed the first recipe on the google list (had to replace, link down, here’s from “The Great Scandinavian Baking Book):




Now, about those Cardamom Rolls…