ICE OUT in Pine Island!
August 22nd, 2018
Amazing. Tonight the Pine Island City Council reversed its position and rescinded its previous Resolution in support of the ICE detention center proposed for Elk Run area of Pine Island. YES!
KAAL – The City of Pine Island Rescinds Support for ICE Detention Facility
KIMT – Pine Island changes its mind on an ICE detention center
Here’s the Resolution rescinding the previous Resolution:
Here’s the original Resolution of support, boilerplate language from the proposed developers:
It’s DONE, for now. It could come back, but methinks they understand that we’re ready! Methinks they know what to expect if they try again!
NO ICE! Pine Island City Council meeting last night
July 18th, 2018
I should have gone up in the front row and captured the smirk on the Mayor’s face through almost all of the meeting. Was he nervous and feeling the heat, or was he dismissive of everyone who showed up? Showed up for what? For the Pine Island City Council meeting, the first one after City Council meeting where they voted to approve a resolution of support for Management and Training Corporation’s 640 bed ICE detention facility.
Here’s Alan Muller’s comment:
FULL meeting link — City says their site is broken so they posted it HERE – CITY FB PAGE
Here’s the Post Bulletin on the meeting:
Crowd weighs in on potential Pine Island ICE facility
The ICE request for proposals:
Immigration Detention Services Multiple Areas of Responsibility