HERC at it again

January 9th, 2011


And for some “big picture” emissions info, here’s the latest Toxic Release Inventory from the EPA:

TRI – 2010 in sortable Excel

Hennepin County and the MPCA have released their “Environmental Assessment Worksheet” for the HERC burner, together with supporting documents.   Check ’em out:

HERC Environmental Assessment Worksheet

Covanta HHRA Report


As you read through them, note the dates… some of it goes back to 2009, some 2008 and some 2006!

There will be a public comment period and a public meeting following publication in the EQB Monitor.  Here’s the EQB Monitor site to check, it’s not there  yet…

EQB Monitor site

For more info, keep an eye on the Neighbors Against the Burner site.


Well, would ya take a look at this!  I would guess that Minneapolis is getting the message that there is indeed opposition to this stupid idea…

Minneapolis pushes to burn more trash

By STEVE BRANDT, Star Tribune

Minneapolis planners have recommended that the city approve an increase in the amount of trash that can be fed daily to Hennepin County’s downtown garbage burner.

A planning staff recommendation to the Planning Commission urges that the city’s zoning permit for the facility be amended to allow the increase sought by Hennepin County and Covanta Energy, which operates the plant for the county.

They want to increase the average daily consumption of trash from the current 1,000 tons to 1,212 tons.

That recommendation will be considered by the commission at its meeting at 4:30 p.m. Monday at City Hall.

The request has attracted attention because the new Twins ballpark is rising next to the incinerator, and is due to open next spring close to the time that the larger amount of trash would begin to be burned.

According to a planning staff report, an environmental review conducted for the stadium found emissions from the larger amount of trash were below federal levels of concern. The same study also found that neighborhood odors such as sewer smell and diesel exhaust were more noticeable than the odor of incinerator trash.

Opponents of the expansion said Thursday that they are organizing for the commission meeting. Alan Muller, who has been evaluating the request for opponents, said an expansion would inevitably increase human exposure to air pollutants. He questioned whether the state is adequately regulating the facility.

Some opponents have urged the county to compost more garbage as an alternative to burning it.

Steve Brandt • 612-673-4438