RW City Council going on and on about EV
April 24th, 2023
This really isn’t that complicated… but the opponents to installing EV are arguing all possible sides, saying that this should not be on the public, it should not be a government project, that it should be a private enterprise and yet that the private enterprise should not be allowed to make money, and add the tired arguments that we shouldn’t be jumping in ahead of the market/technology.
Jump to agenda items on R side of screen:
Oh, please, just get this moving…
And that was after Charter Commission appointments, which was unreal… (starts about 54:40):
… with the most pregnant pause when Council members had to be reminded of their own Rules and Procedures, that if member asked, matters to be taken one at a time. Had none of them read the Rules and Procedures they just passed?
Commission Inquiry — EV Charging & Infrastructure
December 28th, 2017
EV Charging Station at Duluth’s Rail Museum Parking Lot
There’s been some discussion here in Red Wing and Goodhue Cunty about the city installing infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. There’s a charger at the Kwik Trip on the west side of town, but I think that’s a slow charger, a regular outlet that would take forever to amount to anything. The Red Wing City Council voted to approve a charging station in the LaGrange parking ramp, and to request a grant to cover part of the cost, estimated at about $10,000 (!!).
EV charging station enters discussion in Goodhue County
Electric vehicle charging station to come to Red Wing
In the meantime, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has opened a docket looking into a few policy issues about electric charging:
In mid-March there will be a public workshop hosted by the PUC, and then there will be a comment period on these topics, and more:
This ties into what Red Wing and Goodhue County are looking into and could affect that.
Interested in receiving notices and participating in the workshop and discussion? Contact:
Hanna Terwilliger: or (651) 201-2243
Kelly Martone: or (651) 201-2245
If Evanston, WY, in the midst of gas/oil country can do it…