Talon Mine & another CO2 capture scam?
September 1st, 2022
Rio Tinto Press Release from February 2022 about its Talon mine (Talon Metals, Talon Nickel, whatever…):
DOE backs Rio Tinto led team to explore carbon storage at Tamarack
Did we learn nothing from the Mesaba Project and their bogus “carbon capture and storage” scam? Apparently not, here we go again…

Tesla will buy nickel from planned Talon Metals Minnesota mine
Here’s Talon’s June 2022 powerpoint:
This project is planned for the area around Tamarack, north mostly.
The Talon application to “continue” the “exploration plan” was approved earlier this year by the DNR, on April 12, 2022 (scroll down at link), less than a month after it was applied for!
The initial “exploration plan” was approved by the DNR on April 5, 2021:
Oh, but wait, that’s NOT the initial plan, there were two earlier applications to the DNR, also approved, oh, make that FOUR: