Ellsworth School District – willful disregard
March 27th, 2020
This is so disturbing to me, I wrote about it before I became speechless — in the Red Wing Republican Eagle:
Letter: Willful disregard and willful ignorance in Pierce County
I’m fuming. I just read with shock and disbelief that there’s a second case of COVID-19 in Pierce County. The cause of my shock and disbelief stems from the article which said that, “band and choir students were in New Orleans March 9-14, which also was spring break. The person attended the senior high school choir trip, according to the message.”
Carol A. Overland
Red Wing
2nd Ellsworth COVID case
March 23rd, 2020
I’m having this “WTF WERE THEY THINKING?” experience. The Ellsworth School District had a choir and band trip that LEFT on March 9, returned on March 14, to New Orleans. This trip LEFT after the pandemic was blooming, after recommendations to self-isolate and for social distancing. There’s just no excuse for this, putting people at risk. And now, the second person from that trip has been officially diagnosed with COVID.
Update: Pierce County COVID-19 cases now number three
From the article:
Listen to this rationalization and denial:
Is “self-isolation” and “social distancing” so hard to understand? “Do not travel” is pretty self-explanatory. Putting people at risk like this is so wrong, living in denial is no excuse. Willful ignorance, willful disregard…
Sewing masks for you and yours – patterns galore!
March 21st, 2020
CDC Recommendation – Masks – accessed 4/10/2020
SUAY Community Mask Coalition – click for mask pattern and instructions
More patterns from THIS PAGE:
mask 1 regular size with pocket.pdf
Here’s video on how to make an easy square and pleated one!
And scroll way down for ear savers!
New York Times Mask Pattern and directions
This one has the most detailed instructions, and design is more intricate:
Another style I made:
And this one, recommended by a hospital that was asking for volunteers to make them — and then it was removed. Note that they only want them partially made, but the video shows how to make the whole thing, and MOST IMPORTANT, at the end of the video is info on FILTERS, and they recommend using replaceable HEPA vacuum cleaner bags (NOT HEPA air filters or furnace filters).
The design is such that you can replace the filter easily. And the video has been removed… just great… it was very well done. Anyway, here’s directions and a pattern. I think something like this is a whole lot better than running around shopping in a bandana (HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT!).
I LIKE THIS PATTERN BEST, GREAT FIT, WITH DIRECTIONS (but with hair headbands, not the small elastic hairbands):
On the above pattern, I cut 4 of the large piece, and 2 of the small, the small open for a filter if desired, I use a cut up HEPA vacuum cleaner bag, but even a coffee filter works.
I don’t really like these kind below, because the ear elastic is painful, but they’re pretty easy to make, I’ve made a few of these the pleated square type, and I took out the blue hair elastic to put in headbands go around my head:
Here is the elastic sewed on the edges of the simple pleated mask:
This is one of the square ones with three pleats, a filter pocket, and an added bandana touch at the bottom!
And to save your ears from those elastic bands, you can also do something like this, or sew buttons onto a hat or shield:
March 16th, 2020
From the STrib: Tracking Coronavirus in Minnesota
Just do it — no excuses. Neighbors, relatives, friends, need to help each other get through this, self-isolation and social distancing is not easy, and is for sure nearly impossible for too many. HELP AS YOU CAN!