Xcel Energy admits “growth” is down
July 30th, 2015
Xcel Energy’s 2nd quarter call was this morning.
Xcel Energy (XEL) Benjamin G. S. Fowke on Q2 2015 Results – Earnings Call Transcript
From the Seeking Alpha transcript, a cute tidbut:
Got that?
That’s a ways away from the 2.49% upon which the CapX 2020 transmission build-out was based. DOH!
And about multi-year plans and why they “underperformed,” there was this snippet on the Seeking Alpha transcript:
And from our friends at Xcel:
And more:
• Xcel Energy Second Quarter 2015 Earnings Report
• Xcel Energy Second Quarter 2015 Earnings Presentation
And for those of you into charts and graphs (from the 2Q 2015 Report_1001200774):