NIETC Transmission Corridors… AGAIN? MORE?
May 12th, 2023

Here we go again. The DOE has announced another round of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and maybe coming to your community!
The most important info isn’t published yet, but once it is, and we know all the details:
The Notice of Intent and Request for Information: Designation of National Interest Electric
Transmission Corridors will be published May 15, 2023, at that time, the blanks will be filled in:
Critical Infrastructure and Security Month?
November 2nd, 2022
Transition? Contact GSA!
November 17th, 2020

Emily Murphy’s email and the Government Service Administration (GSA) contact page are working again, so you can contact her!
Or if that’s not working (and just now it looks like it’s down again, as down as the White House comment line, it’s been chugging along for 15 minutes now):
Why? Because she’s the one who has to sign the “transition papers” for Biden’s administration so the transition team can start work. She’s supposed to be an independent signer but instead she’s furthering the denial of the Mango-in-Chief.
Trump appointee refuses to sign document allowing Biden transition to officially get to work: report
I first tried the GSA site, and her email when the GSA site didn’t work, back on November 9, and the email bounced, “too much traffic” it said… so I tried again on the 12th, both the “Contact” form, which did come up, and a direct email. Got this form response — so it did get through:

She’s getting the message, well, a message:
The Trump Appointee Blocking Biden’s Transition Is Reportedly Trying to Line Up a New Job for 2021
… but if she did her job, that might help her get another!
Here’s how transitions work:
Presidential Transition Act Summary
What’s the Center for Presidential Transition… hmmmmm… damned if they don’t have that front and center on their home page!