Aurora Solar referred for hearing
September 28th, 2014
Lots of interesting filings last week — in this case, the Public Utilities Commission has deemed the Aurora Solar application complete and has referred it to the Office of Administrative Hearings for a “summary” proceeding, but more specific and detailed than that:
Short version: And they’ve not appointed a Task Force, although there is an opening if people interested in one want to request it. See p. 4 of the order above. Now how will this be affected by Xcel Energy’s filing looking for essentially reconsideration of their resource plans and acquisitions:
Here’s the Application:
The files with the maps are TOO LARGE to post, so here are links, I’ve got them in two pdfs, but there there are many broken down. Just go to the docket via PUC SEARCH DOCKET LINK, and then search for 14-515 (“14” is the year, “515” is the docket).
There was interest and concern here in Goodhue County originally when it was proposed for an industrial park that was developed, with infrastructure in, but not yet constructed with buildings. Zumbrota didn’t think that was the best use for that area, and I’d agree. It’s now been sited in a corn field to the north of the northwest quadrant of the Hwy. 52 and Hwy. 60 interchange. Much better!
It apparently used to be a gravel pit: