Roger Stone Arrested

January 25th, 2019

What delightful news to wake up to — Roger Stone indicted and arrested!


Roger Stone_Indictment_012419


… and then there’s eminent domain!

First the spill, it’s “breaking” news, 210,000 gallons at least all over Staples, where a crew was “working” on the line.  This is, I believe, the old lines, not the new 24″ MinnCan pipeline right nearby:

Oil pipeline leak spills 210,000 gallons near Staples


Last update: December 4, 2009 – 4:13 PM

Crew members from state and federal pipeline safety agencies were working today to contain at least 210,000 gallons of crude oil that has spilled from a pipeline in central Minnesota.

There’s no indication the oil has reached any nearby waterways, said Kristine Chapin, a spokeswoman for the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety.

The spill, discovered about 6:30 a.m., came from a 16-inch pipeline that connects a pumping station with the Flint Hills refinery in Rosemount.

The pipeline was immediately shut down, Chapin said.

The leak occurred in a wooded rural area about three miles southeast of Staples.

Workers had been repairing the pipeline, but it wasn’t immediately clear if that was connected to the spill, Chapin said.

Assisting the state agency with the pipeline safety arm of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

A truck designed to vacuum up the spill arrived at the site this afternoon, she said.

Here’s the eminent domain news about a pipeline — tired of waiting around for “compensation” from the takers — one guy did what how many others want to do?  And “Engelking” … I wonder… is this guy any relation to Betsy Engelking???

Wis. man arrested for trespassing on his own land

Associated Press

Last update: December 4, 2009 – 8:37 AM

SUPERIOR, Wis. – A northwestern Wisconsin man who confronted a work crew building a pipeline across his land was arrested for trespassing on his own property.

Jeremy Engelking of Superior is expected to appear in Douglas County Circuit Court Friday.

The 27-year-old Engelking told workers Wednesday they had no right to be on his property because he hadn’t been compensated by the pipeline builder, Enbridge Energy Partners, for an easement.

A Douglas County sheriff’s deputy arrived on the scene as the confrontation continued. Engelking says the deputy drew his Taser gun and ordered him to the ground. Engelking was handcuffed, taken to jail and later posted bond.

The confrontation is the latest episode in a long-running dispute between Enbridge, Engelking and his father, who owns property next door.