PJM shell game continues
October 14th, 2010
This week, PJM has “decided” that part of the humongous 500kV buildout isn’t necessary. Well DUH, but…
PJM Press Release – PJM Board authorizes $18 billion in transmission upgrades
And so please explain why the headline isn’t “PJM Board cancels 500-kilovolt (kV) line connecting the Branchburg, Roseland and Hudson substations in northern New Jersey.”
From that PJM board meeting, there was a presentation that looks like a corporate-style WAKE UP call:
Meanwhile, I’m trying to find the primary documentation, something with specifics about what was “approved” and what was “removed” and the basis for it… nada… nothing that I can find on the site. Something else irritating is that when I’m looking up documents on the PJM site, I often just get a blank black page, particularly from the TEAC site.
One interesting presentation was about a Market Efficiency Analysis, in 2014 without Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP), Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline (PATH), Branchburg-Roseland-Hudson and Susquehanna-Roseland, and from then on without the Branchburg, Roseland and Hudson line:
2010 Market Efficiency Analysis Results Updates – October 6, 2010
And when I try to get closer to the Northern NJ documentation… well, tell me if YOU can get anything:
“File is damaged and could not be repaired.” So I called the number on the PJM press release to see… and was told they’ll call back. Yes, we shall see…