
Do we — plural, as in “society” — ever learn from history?  I’m the great-grandaughter of a union organizer, never met him, but I heard many times from my mother how much she enjoyed hearing about fighting for workers rights, his stories of working with Debs, and when she talked about that, she lit up with pride and I’d guess, DUH, that is where I got a lot of my world view  (My father also told stories about being a kid and sneaking out during the trucker’s strike, hanging out at Hiawatha-Lake as bullets were flying.).   She was better at believing her beliefs than living them, oh, I could tell you stories, but did support my education, from way, way back, from the pre-kindergarten days of going to the library filling the back seat with books to get me through the week, and I’m feeling like it’s time to dig back and learn more about that GREAT great-grandfather of mine.


Today I got this email from Guy Wolf, with a link to an Assembly session recording, and am listening to this as I type, and am so appalled about what’s going on in Wisconsin, by the unprecedented anti-democratic acts of the Republicans in power.   IN THE ASSEMBLY EVEN — OH MY DOG!

Kudos to Rep. Peter Barca, Minority Leader from the 64th District, Kenosha, WOW, he is telling it as it was.  And Rep. Gordon Hintz, from Oshkosh, what an eloquent statement, and Rep. Roy… (all their contact info here) this is something everyone should see.   Click the link (it’s below in Guy’s email too) for

02.18.11 | Assembly Floor Session (Part 4)

The Republican majority started the meeting without the Democrats, BEFORE THE DESIGNATED TIME TO START, and started passing amendments without them!

Rep. Corey Mason:

“Being in the majority doesn’t mean that you can take away people’s freedom”


Here’s the email from Guy:

Dozens of family, friends, have Emailed me asking what is happening in the State of WI at this moment in history. Without partisanship, without rancor, without comment, I ask that you observe one video, not of protestors, not of political pundits, but simply 40 minutes of time in the WI Legislature.


Yesterday, at approximately 4:55pm on Friday February 18th, a historic moment took place on the floor of the WI State Assembly (January 2011 Special Session of the Legislature).  I highly recommend you view the video, that you purchase the video and disseminate it to teachers, faculty, staff, to educators across the State of WI and beyond. Because the video has contractual rights that you must agree too, I strongly suggest you agree to those rights,  The video is historic It will be remembered in WI and US History. Please post and repost.


Guy Wolf,

The video is the 4th posted video on the page, It is listed as 2.18.11
THIS IS A MUST SEE… Take some time and see how the “new boss” majority is behaving… OH MY DOG!

Yesterday, I also received an email, even more disturbing… there was a call, well email, to turn out people for a Town Meeting held by the Rep. at the district next door, Rep. Steve Drazkowski is holding a Town Hall meeting in Plainview today, from 2-4.  Here’s what the email said:

We are getting word that the unions are intending to pack the Town Hall meeting being hosted by Representative Drazkowski and Benson this Saturday at the Plainview Legion from 2-4pm.  Please send word to your email list and let folks know it is time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our conservative lawmakers! They are being our strong voice in St. Paul and know we have the opportunity to show our appreciation by attending this meeting and defending the principles we all value!

(emphasis in original — I took the signature block off because it was a forward, but it was someone sending this with a company signature block, oh my…)

OH, can’t have union members at a meeting, now, can we… 

To be clear, the “principles” they’re espousing are NOT principles that I value or support.

It’s really a bad idea to send me this sort of crap during a solar flare when I’ve got a brief due… I could go on about the back and forth after that, but let’s just say that part of it included a link here: 

Wisconsin Freedom Rally to Support Scott Walker

No, I don’t think so…

